Simple programs in JAVA

Simple programs in Java using operators

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Before going to java program, if anyone want to execute a Java program in, they will need to install JDK on the system.

How to install JDK on the system

The link given above will help you to know about how to install JDK on your system

1. Addition of Two numbers

public class addoftwo
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int a=30,b=42;
     int c;
     System.out.println("Sum of A and B is : " +c);

Sum of A and B is : 72

Explanation :

This the code for adding two numbers, which the variable values are embeded with coding. So, there is no need to get the value from the user. Every coder should remember that, in Java file name and class name should be same. Otherwise, the error will be occured. A and B values are 30 and 42 respectively. According to the coding addition of A and B will be stored in the variable C. So, the output will be shown like that.

2. Subtraction of Two numbers

public class suboftwo
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int a=30,b=42;
     int c;
     System.out.println("Difference between A and B is : " +c);

Difference between A and B is : -12

Explanation :

This the code for subtracting to numbers which variable values are embeded with coding. A and B values are 30 and 42 respectively. According to the coding difference between A and B will be stored in the variable C. So, the output will be shown like that.

3. Multiplication of two numbers using Scanner

import java.util.Scanner;
public class multioftwo
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int a,b,c;
     Scanner s= new Scanner(;
     System.out.print("Enter the values of A and B : ");
     System.out.println("Multiplication of A and B is : " +c);

Enter the values of A and B : 106 635
Multiplication of A and B is : 67310

Explanation :

This is the code for multipling two numbers which variable values are given by user. A and B values 106 and 635 were respectively given by the user. According to the coding multiplication of A and B will be stored in the variable C. So, the output will be shown like that.

  1. "println" - After printing a statement cursor comes to the next line.
  2. "print"  - After printing a statement cursor won't come to next line

4. Simple formula using Scanner

import java.util.Scanner;
public class formula
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int a,b,c;
     Scanner s= new Scanner(;
     System.out.print("Enter the values of A and B : ");
     System.out.println("Formula : (A*B)+(B/A)");
     System.out.println("Solution for given formula : " +c);

Enter the values of A and B : 2 3
Formula : (A*B)+(B/A)
Solution for given formula : 7

Explanation :

A and B values 2 and 3 were respectively given by the user. According to the code solution will be stored in the variable C. So, the output will be shown like that.

I think these examples are useful to create simple java programs. From these examples, we known about

  1. To print a statement
  2. How to save a Java file in your PC
  3. How to use variable which values are embeded with the code
  4. How to get values from the user
  5. Difference between "println" and "print"

In upcoming post, we will see about Control Structures which are in JAVA

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